
CEO Dr. Pamela McCue announced the school’s acquisition of a “SynDaver,” a sophisticated synthetic cadaver used by medical and nursing schools around the country.

RINI MC will be the first high school in New England to utilize the technology in the classroom.

We greatly appreciate the generous donation from the Champlin Foundation that allowed us to purchase this new state of the art technology. The SynDaver technology will clearly help RINI MC students master advanced coursework in biology, anatomy, physiology and nursing assistant training; courses integral to our nursing curriculum and required for admission into the state’s college nursing programs,” said McCue.

The announcement took place on Thursday, May 10 at the school’s headquarters in Providence.


A SynDaver Synthetic Human employs hundreds of replaceable muscles, bones, organs, veins, and arteries – all made from

materials that mimic the mechanical, thermal, and physicochemical properties of live tissue.

This validated technology is used to replace live animals, cadavers and even human patients in medical device studies, nursing and medical student training, and surgical simulation.

Source: GoLocalProv News Team