Public School Common Application
As of November 14, 2023, the common application for the 2024-25 school year is open.
First-time users will need to click on "Create an Account." Returning users should log in with the same email or mobile number used to create the account, including those with an All Course Network (ACN) account.
Admissions Timeline
The admissions lottery will take place on April 1, 2024 for 9th-grade admission for Fall 2024. RINI will contact you by email that your child has been selected through the lottery process.
In order to confirm your acceptance, you must complete the forms in the link provided in the email by the designated date, or the seat for the class of 2028 will be forfeited.
Applicants who were not selected in the lottery process will be placed on a waiting list and will be notified by email of their status. They will be offered an enrollment slot when space is available.
Admissions Process
RINI is an open-enrollment public charter school that enrolls students from across the State of Rhode Island. As a statewide charter school, we purposefully seek to enroll a demographically diverse student body as essential to our mission of diversifying the future nursing and healthcare workforce. When RINI receives more enrollment applications than available seats, admission is determined through a blind lottery. The 2024-2025 Rhode Island Charter Public School Common Application is now open! The Rhode Island Department of Education launched EnrollRI last year to support families in accessing the educational path that is best for their children.
To apply to RINI, complete the EnrollRI Common Application here and, select RI Nurses Institute Middle College as your school of choice.
The admissions process is conducted through a lottery system. Upon admission, students will be expected to provide the following documents:
- Proof of Rhode Island residency: electric bill, tax bill, or signed lease. These are the only three forms of proof of residency accepted.
- Copies of final report cards from previous academic year
- Most current academic transcript
- Proof of immunizations
- Photo/Video Permission form
- Emergency Contact Information form
- Free and reduced lunch form
- Admissions Reminder Brochure
When to Apply
Students can apply to RINI from November 16, 2023 to 5:00pm March 14, 2024. When RINI has more applicants than we have available seats, RINI conducts a blind lottery to determine admissions. Applications must be received by March 14, 2024 to be eligible for the lottery for the 2024-2025 school year.
April 1, 2024 – Admission Lottery Drawing The admissions lottery will take place on April 1, 2024. RINI will contact you by email with an update on your child’s application status.