The Rhode Island Diploma System
Supports multiple viable pathways toward a high school diploma including career education and blended or online learning.
- Provides each student with individual learning plans and a personalized learning environment to help them succeed.
- Provides multiple opportunities and measures for students to demonstrate proficiency and graduation readiness.
- Promotes an aligned system of state and local policies.
Core Components:
- Comprehensive Counseling
- Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
- Personal Literacy Plan (PLP)
- Early Warning System (EWS)
- Performance Based Graduation Requirements
Graduation requirements:
(Minimum 22 high school credits)
- 4 College Prep Mathematics credits (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus)
- 4 English/Language Arts credits
- 4 Laboratory Science credits (natural science, biology, chemistry, human anatomy)
- 3 Social Science credits
- 2 World Language credits (consecutive)
- 1 Health and Nutrition credit
- 2 additional Nursing credits
- 1 Nursing Research Seminar course credit
- 1 Arts Credit
- 1 dual/concurrent enrollment college course earning 3 college credits (also counted as 1 high school course)
- 1 Entry-level patient care license/certification (CNA, EMT)
- Senior Project, Research Paper and Presentation
Diploma Designations:
Commissioner’s Seal is to certify that a student is proficient in high school standards-aligned English Language Arts and Mathematics content, as confirmed by external evidence. A student must meet the established performance standard (or benchmark) on both English Language Arts and Mathematics approved assessments.
The current list of approved Commissioner’s Seal assessments and performance standards are:
Assessment Name | Assessment Content Area | Performance Standard |
PSAT Reading and Writing | English Language Arts |
430 |
PSAT Mathematics | Mathematics | 480 |
SAT Reading and Writing | English Language Arts | 480 |
SAT Mathematics | Mathematics | 530 |
RI Seal of Biliteracy
RI Seal of Biliteracy is to acknowledge students who are able to demonstrate proficiency in English and one or more other world languages. The language may be a student’s native language, or a language learned in school or another setting. The Seal highlights individuals with multilingual and multicultural competence to potential employers and provides universities with a method of identifying and giving credit to applicants with high levels of proficiency.
- Completion of all required ELA courses (4) with an overall GPA 2.5 for those courses
- Achieving proficiency level on state ELA summative assessment (SAT) in grade 11
- Proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English demonstrated through valid test and/or completion of three courses in a language other than English with an overall GPA 2.5 for those courses
Nursing College Career Preparation Preparation (NCCPP) Seal
Nursing College Career Preparation Preparation (NCCPP) Seal is awarded to all RINI students who have met the graduation criteria. This designation certifies that students have participated in an integrated healthcare provider high school experience and have achieved competency levels and workforce preparedness focused on the healthcare industry.
Graduation Criteria:
- RINI students must complete all of the requirements for graduation in accordance with the RINI graduation requirements.
- RINI students who have not fulfilled all of the graduation requirements by the last day of final exams. If not, they will be unable to participate in senior activities and/or graduation ceremonies.
- RINI students who have not fulfilled all of the graduation requirements by the last day of final exams, but do complete later will be presented a RINI diploma once RINI graduation requirements are met.
- RINI students who are enrolled in alternative educational plans will be allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies if they have fulfilled all of the graduation requirements by the last day of final exams.
- RINI students who are enrolled in alternative educational plans and do not participate in graduation ceremonies will be presented a RINI diploma once RINI graduation requirements are met.
- RINI students who are in good standing with the RINI community will be allowed to participate in senior activities and/or graduation ceremonies. Those who are not, will be be unable to participate. This decision is made at the discretion of RINI's administration.