A letter from your parent organization president

“WELCOME” to the Rhode Island Nurses Institute Middle College Parent’s Organization (PO). We are a volunteer organization that is made up of parents, administration, and support staff who are all dedicated to the successful education of our children. The RINI PO works hard to help make the school year both enjoyable, educational, and exciting for our students and parents.

The purpose of our organization is to aid students and staff by providing support for the educational needs of our students. The Parent Organization is the platform that encourages parents to advocate change in our children’s lives.

As an organization, we:

  1. promote open communication between administration and parents
  2. fundraise to support initiatives that directly benefit the students
  3. assist with creating programs to support workforce skills

The Parent Organization encourages all families to get involved. Joining the organization does not require a “timed Commitment”. Every initiative we take on is based on our volunteers. Involvement at any level in your child’s school life, will improve every aspect of their school experience. Our group meets once a month to discuss events, plan fundraisers, and share ideas. This is a wonderful way of finding out what is happening at our school.

Currently, we are recruiting for the following vacancies on the board: Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. If you are interested in either of these official positions, please email me at parentpres@rinimc.org to discuss what the position entails.

The Parent Organization believes that it is of ultimate importance to do everything we can as a community to enhance the learning environment of our students as they ARE our future nurses. It will take all of us working together to make this happen.

We look forward to meeting all of you at the PO meetings, upcoming fundraisers, and school events. We appreciate your support!


Christine Craveiro Rei
PO President for 2014-2015